You asked, & we answered.
For us, new works aren't just about the notes on the page. It’s the people behind the music. Having opportunities to collaborate with incredible artists who share their bold new works of art with the world is one of the greatest joys in what we do. It’s only possible with the support of awesome people such as yourself, and we love that you want to help us make more of it. In fact, we loved that energy ~so much~, that we created a place for you to do precisely that!
Our New Works Fund is dedicated to the commissioning and recording of new music.
You see the reach of this project at our annual Curiosity Series, our single releases, and with all the amazing collaborations we share across the country year after year.
Check out below to see what supporters of the New Works Fund have helped create, and what our plans are for the future. We hope you consider donating (tax deductible!) to our New Works Fund to help continue our journey in creating new music for years to come.
Whether you want to sponsor a specific project directly, or contribute to the New Works Fund with a general contribution, this is the place for you.
Creating amazing projects with even more amazing people
Sunthrower - Darian Donovan Thomas
Half of mediaqueer and the violinist of Moses Sumney/Arooj Aftab, we have worked with Darian when he made his amazing remix of our Emma O’Halloran Night Music Single. Now we have asked him to write some of his own music for us. Sunthrower will premiere in December at our Wired show and will feature the quartet accompanied by an electronic track.
I Tell You Me - Annika Socolofsky
Annika Socolofsky is a composer and avant folk vocalist who explores corners and colors of the voice frequently deemed to be "untrained" and not "classical." Described as “unbearably moving” (Gramophone) and “just the right balance between edgy precision and freewheeling exuberance” (The Guardian), her music erupts from the embodied power of the human voice and is communicated through mediums ranging from orchestral and operatic works to unaccompanied folk ballads and unapologetically joyous Dolly Parton covers. Annika writes extensively for her own voice, including composing a growing repertoire of “feminist rager-lullabies” titled Don’t say a word, which serves to confront centuries of damaging lessons taught to young children by retelling old lullaby texts for a new, queer era. Her research focuses on contemporary vocal music, using the music of Dolly Parton to create a pedagogical approach to composition that is inclusive of a wide range of vocal qualities, genres, and colors. She is Assistant Professor of Composition at the University of Colorado Boulder, and is the recipient of the 2021 Gaudeamus Award. She holds her PhD in Composition from Princeton University.
Where it’s been: I Tell You Me was recognized by the Chicago Tribune as “grotesquely gorgeous… among the most captivating compositions heard the whole festival [Ear Taxi 2021]” and was included in their “Chicago's Top 10 for classical music, opera and jazz that defined 2021”.
In our 2021-22 season we performed this work with Annika and our friend Andrea Edith-Moore in Illinois, North Carolina, and Colorado. We also made a studio recording of the work with Annika to be released next season!
WATCH the highly anticipated (by our moms) TRAILER
Where it’s going: We will be performing this with vocalist Amy Petrongelli this upcoming year in Texas and also highlighting the work in our brand-new series Refraction.
Our brand new series where we invite artists, scholars, and community leaders to engage in conversation around a highlighted work. Our 2022/23 Refraction series will focus on Annika’s I Tell You Me, with two unique performances of the work in one night by two different vocalists.
What we need: This project is one of our most ambitious to date, and we need your help to see it through. By supporting this project, you are helping to pay talented vocal artists to sing with us as well as administrative expenses related to the performance of the work, such as venue rental fees and travel expenses.
Where it’s going: In November 2022, we will be recording the studio version of birthday party for an upcoming Vines EP, in addition to presenting it in NYC in January 2023.
“It’s a vibe” as our Gen Z friends would say
birthday party - Vines
We have had the joy of collaborating with our talented friend and composer Cassie Wieland as we prepare to record and release her hauntingly beautiful work for ~Nois, gossamer. In the meantime, she has created a whole new project that we’re thrilled to be a part of. Under her new identity “Vines”, Cassie explores the saxophone quartet as an accompaniment to her vocals, with vocoders, synths, and electronics creating an ethereal and pop-infused series of songs that is unlike anything you’ve ever heard ~Nois play.
Where it’s been: ~Nois first premiered birthday party at Evanston SPACE with Cassie in February of 2022. A New York premiere of the work at Roulette Intermedium was scheduled for May of 2022, but has been delayed due to COVID-19.
Curiosity Commissions
Every Fall, we commission composers with strong ties to our hometown of Chicago
Curiosity VII Comes to Chicago October 27, 2024
A whole new set of music featured at Constellation Chicago
Previous Curiosity Composers
Single Releases
We love recording new works, and often we get so excited to share them with the world, that we release the tracks on their own!
For each single we release, we also commission a visual artist to create fresh, new cover art.
Where it’s going: Upcoming single of gossamer by Cassie Wieland and going back into the studio to record more works!
Where it’s been: In the past year, we have released recordings of four works by Susanna Hancock, Finola Merivale, and Emma O’Halloran.
What we need: Each single we release is a labor of love. You can help bring these upcoming releases to life by donating to cover the substantial recording expenses and distribution fees associated with each individual project. Sponsoring a project will also get you a very special credit on our bandcamp page showing that you, yes YOU, made this happen!
Upcoming Single Releases
If you’re saying, “WOW this is awesome! I want to help make more of this.”
~Nois Performing Arts Organization, NFP is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. No goods or services were provided by ~Nois Performing Arts Organization, NFP in exchange for this contribution.